Target Audience
Write blog articles with the target audience in mind:
- Primary: language teachers in Canada
- Secondary: researchers, organizations, and stakeholders involved in language education in Canada
- Submit blog articles in Word document format (.docx).
- Articles should be between 500-1000 words.
- Use headings to break up information.
- Topics of blog articles are determined by the writer in consultation with a CASLT staff member.
- Writers should send a brief outline of their blog article (3-5 sentences) to the CASLT staff member before submitting a full draft.
- CASLT follows APA style for in-text citations, references, tables and figures, and mechanics of style (punctuation, capitalization, number usage, abbreviations, etc.).
- Provide images in separate files (not in the Word document).
- Images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
- Use the comment feature in Word to indicate image placement in the article.
- Provide a caption for each photo (1-2 sentences maximum).
- Provide source information for each photo.
Graphs and Infographics
- Provide source information for each graph/infographic.

For more information or to submit a blog article, contact our Communications Coordinator:
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