Call for Proposals



Conference Theme
Session Themes
Conference Strands
Session Types
Additional Information


The deadline for submitting session proposals has passed. However, we are still welcoming proposals for our Indigenous Languages and Modern/Heritage Languages strands, as well as for our Symposium on Language Education in Indigenous Settings and Integrating Indigenous Voices. If you have a proposal that fits one or more of these categories, contact our Presenter Coordinator:


Conference Theme

Towards Plural Identities

The overall theme of this pan-Canadian conference calls us to cross borders that exist inside and outside the second or additional language (L2/L+) classroom. We hope that by breaking down these boundaries, the plural identities of language teachers and learners will flourish!

Session Themes

We are seeking session proposals related to the following themes:

Identity in the Digital Age

This sub-theme explores how technology and artificial intelligence (AI) intersect with teachers’ and learners’ sense of self. Proposals for this sub-theme could examine the following:

  • How online personas, social media presence, AI, chatbots, and digital footprints help shape teacher and learner identities
  • How these identities intersect with language learning
Identity in Diversity

This sub-theme investigates how equity, diversity, and inclusion can empower L+ teachers and learners to foster mutual respect and understanding across cultures, languages, and backgrounds. Proposals for this sub-theme could examine the following:

  • How educators can promote inclusion, equity, and belonging (for example, through culturally responsive and relevant pedagogy (CRRP) or supporting learners with diverse learning needs)
Identity Through Language Learning

This sub-theme examines the relationship L+ learners and teachers have with language and language learning, including their feelings towards languages in contact, their linguistic security, and their willingness to take linguistic and cultural risks. Proposals for this sub-theme could investigate the following:

  • Imposter syndrome among language teachers and learners
  • How to foster supportive language learning environments
  • How to create spaces where people can explore their linguistic identities and develop confidence in the target language
Identity Through Pedagogical Innovation

This sub-theme explores how innovative pedagogies can contribute to the development of L+ teacher and learner identity. How can pedagogical innovation meet the diverse learning needs of today’s learners and foster teachers’ sense of self-efficacy? Proposals for this sub-theme could examine teaching and assessment strategies that facilitate a more personalized and engaging language learning experience. These may include strategies from a variety of language teaching approaches, such as the following:

  • The Neurolinguistic Approach (NLA)
  • The Action-Oriented Approach (AOA)
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
  • Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching (TBLT)
Symposium on Leadership – Empowering Linguistic Ecosystems: Advocacy, Training, and Leadership

This symposium aims to equip attendees with concrete ideas and innovative approaches for improving language education ecosystems to foster a more inclusive, diverse, and thriving language learning environment. Proposals for this symposium could explore crucial topics such as the following:

  • Language policy development
  • Effective advocacy strategies for language programs
  • Teacher training models
  • Fostering effective leadership in language programs
  • Recruitment and retention strategies
  • Support for early-career language teachers
Symposium on Language Education in Indigenous Settings and Integrating Indigenous Voices

This symposium will explore strategies for integrating Indigenous perspectives – including Indigenous languages, voices, cultures, knowledge, and experiences – in language education. Proposals for this symposium could explore the following:

  • Innovative practices for Indigenous language revitalization
  • The opportunities and challenges of teaching languages in Indigenous contexts
  • Decolonizing language classrooms
  • Challenging colonial legacies
  • Infusing Indigenous worldviews into language curricula

Conference Strands

  • FSL/FAL: French as a second or additional language (e.g., French immersion, Intensive French, Core French, Extended French, French to newcomers in Francophone schools/LSSI, francization, adult francization, alpha-Francization, French in a minority language setting, French in Indigenous settings)
  • ELL/ESL/EAL: English language learner, English as a second or additional language (e.g., EAL in Francophone schools, English to newcomers in Anglophone schools, adults learning English)
  • Other MHL: Other modern/heritage languages
  • IL: Indigenous languages
  • ASL/LSQ: American Sign Language and Quebec Sign Language
  • General: applicable to multiple strands

Session Types


Sharing or showcasing information with time and strategies integrated to allow the audience to process information and ask questions.


A hands-on, interactive professional development activity around a specific issue or technique.


A structured session that includes 3–4 presenters, a facilitator, and time for questions and discussion.

Commercial Workshops

Any session that promotes a saleable product, program, or service will be considered a commercial presentation. Presenters will be required to pay an additional fee.

Exhibitors will also have the opportunity to give an “exhibitor showcase” presentation. These 15-minute sessions will take place in the exhibitors’ hall. Learn more in the call for exhibitors  (coming soon).

Additional Information

Proposal Word Limits

Please be advised of the following word limits for session proposals.

Session Title

Maximum length: 15 words. The session title should be descriptive and interesting.

Session Abstract

Maximum length: 250 words. Use active voice, make it clear and compelling, and tell participants why they should attend your session. Include participant outcomes — what will they know or be able to do after your session?

Presenter Biography

Maximum length: 75 words (each). Each presenter biography should be written in the third person and include relevant professional background, areas of expertise, and any notable achievements that highlight qualifications for leading the session.

Key Dates
  • October 19, 2024: Deadline to submit session proposals
  • October-November 2024: Review of session proposals
  • December 6, 2024: Responses to presenters
  • January 3, 2025: Deadline for presenters to confirm participation
  • January 31, 2025: Deadline for presenters to register
  • February 7, 2025: Preliminary conference program online
Selection Process

The program selection committee will select proposals based on their relevance to the themes and conference strands listed above. The goal is to ensure that the conference program offers a balanced, comprehensive, and diversified choice of sessions.

Furthermore, the committee will consider the following when judging the overall quality of proposals:

  • Succinct and well-written session description
  • Clearly articulated purpose, including the intended audience
  • Relevance of the topic to the field of language teaching, learning, and/or research
  • Opportunities for participant engagement (where applicable)

The program selection committee reserves the right to request modifications to proposals prior to acceptance.

Confirmation of Sessions

Only the lead presenter will receive notice of the status of the proposed session via email. If the proposal is accepted, the lead presenter must confirm participation and all presenters must register for the conference by January 31, 2025.

Acceptance to the conference does not guarantee minimum attendance at any session.

Presenter Registration

All presenters and co-presenters must register for the conference. They are eligible for the discounted presenter registration rate.

Complimentary registration is available for up to two presenters per session for the day they are presenting, which includes meals for that day. Please note that if you are presenting on multiple days, the complimentary registration only applies to one day. If you wish to attend the entire conference, you can register at a reduced rate of $150, which also includes meals. For sessions with more than two presenters, any additional presenters must pay the full conference registration fee, based on their CASLT or AQEFLS membership status.

Presenters are responsible for registering for the conference, arranging and paying for their own travel and accommodations where applicable, and paying any other associated costs. However, we are pleased to offer a grant to assist presenters who may need financial support. Presenters are invited to apply for the grant, which can be used to reimburse some of their expenses. The amount available to each applicant will depend on the total number of presenters who apply. More information about the application process will be provided soon.

Presentation Dates

Conference presentations will take place from Thursday, April 3 through to Saturday, April 5, 2025.

Session Length

All sessions will be 75 minutes.

Session Materials

Presenters will be invited to share session materials, such as presentation slides, links, and other resources, through the conference event app.


If you have any questions regarding submitting a session proposal, please contact the presenter coordinator, Kim Giese, at


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