Session Information

CASLT FSL Research Exchange
Join us for the third installment of the CASLT FSL Research Exchange — an engaging virtual platform dedicated to pushing our thinking related to key areas in French as a Second Language (FSL) research. Building on the rich discussion and engagement in our exchanges to date, we continue our exploration into the pivotal challenges confronting FSL educators.
In this session, we shift our focus to the critical Gap #3: Resources — Material and Human from our recently published report, Identifying Requirements and Gaps in French as a Second Language (FSL) Teacher Education: Recommendations and Guidelines. Research findings continue to illuminate hidden opportunities and complex questions regarding both material and human resources in the field. As we delve into this crucial topic, this exchange will begin to unravel the complexities while also collaboratively seeking innovative ways forward.
Shifting Paradigms: Navigating the Resource Challenge in FSL Education
Featured Presenter: Dr. Lace Marie Brogden (Dean, Faculty of Education, St. Francis Xavier University)
Dr. Lace Marie Brogden will guide us in navigating the intricacies of resources within the FSL landscape. Drawing on her breadth of experience in the field of FSL, as well as in teacher education across Canada, Dr. Brodgen will share her current thinking related to the dual facets of resource development and access, ongoing issues that teachers and administrators face in relation to both material and human resources, and questions that researchers could be asking to move us toward new insights and potential solutions and strategies for addressing this perennial challenge in FSL education.
Research Exchange Agenda
Welcome and Introductions
A warm welcome and introductions will help us set the tone for an enriching exchange of ideas.
Featured Presenter
Delve into this theme with a distinguished presenter who will share their insights and make connections to relevant research and experiences. Our goal is to push our thinking beyond the “usual” questions/issues linked to the theme. Our featured presenters bring significant wisdom and experience from extensive work in FSL/L+ education.
Guided Discussion: Opportunities for Collaboration and Building Bridges in Research
Following our opening discussion with Dr. Brogden, we invite attendees to engage in a vibrant conversation. We will explore guiding questions that encourage participants to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas.
Why Attend?
Connect With Peers: Engage with fellow researchers who share your passion for FSL education and are dedicated to advancing the field in meaningful ways.
Inspiring Insights: Explore ways of shifting the conversation about FSL education in Canada beyond our usual thinking.
Interactive Dialogue: Participate in lively discussions, sharing your thoughts and learning from others.
Opportunities for Collaboration: Discover potential research partners and avenues for impactful projects.
Featured Presenter

Dean, Faculty of Education, St. Francis Xavier University
Lace Marie Brogden
Dr. Lace Marie Brogden began her professional life as a French Immersion teacher in Regina, Saskatchewan, subsequently working in curriculum development for the Official Minority Language Office of Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Education. Prior to becoming a dean in 2016 — a role she has held at two institutions — her academic contributions were as a faculty member and then Director of the Programme du Baccalauréat en éducation française at the University of Regina. Dr. Brogden currently serves as the President of the Association of Canadian Deans of Education (CADE) in addition to her role as Dean of the Faculty of Education and being part of the academic leadership team at St. Francis Xavier University. She has published in many refereed journals, including the Canadian Modern Language Review, Qualitative Inquiry, the Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, and the Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies. Originally from the foothills of Treaty 7 territory, she now gardens in the winds and salt spray at Me’katewik — the place of the big eels — on Nova Scotia’s Eastern Shore.

Stephanie Arnott is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa. She is a core member of the Education and Languages Research Group (EducLang) and coordinator of the Second Language Education Cohort (cL2c). Her research focuses on student motivation, the knowledge base of L2 teachers and innovation in Canadian FSL education.

Meike Wernicke is Assistant Professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia. Her research in French-as-a-second-language teacher education has focused on teacher study abroad, teacher identity, and includes research interests in critical intercultural studies, multilingual language policy and pedagogy, and decolonizing approaches in language education.