Session Information

With the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has come to play a vital role in language classrooms. As part of our mission to support second language teachers and teaching throughout Canada, CASLT is hosting a series of Online Professional Learning webinars exploring the role of technology in language teaching and learning.
Technology connects us to a seemingly unlimited variety of authentic resources from diverse perspectives. How do we know which resources to use? How can we ensure that they are appropriate for our learners? This interactive session will focus on practical, easy-to-implement strategies for leveraging technology to highlight traditionally marginalized voices in the additional language classroom. Ditch the textbook and move away from the limited worldviews of classic literature to ensure that diverse voices are intentionally represented in your classroom. Join our three panelists to ask your questions and discuss best practices for including diverse perspectives in the additional language classroom.

Instructional Program Lead
Eric Keunne
Eric Keunne is a black immigrant settler, community leader, and seasoned FSL teacher/consultant with over 15 years experience of teaching in Cameroon, the UK, and Canada. He is currently working as an Instructional Program Lead for the Halton District School Board. Eric is also a PhD student and Research Assistant in the French Department at York University. His research focuses on Culturally Responsive and Relevant Pedagogy (CRRP), Teacher Education, Equity and Inclusion, Anti-Oppression and Anti-Racist Pedagogy, bilingualism, and language policy. Eric recently published a book entitled Didactique des langues officielles en contexte de bilinguisme officiel au Cameroun, a reflection on the teaching of English to French–speaking learners and French to English–speaking learning in Cameroon.

Modern Languages and French Immersion / Teacher
Rubina Sharma-Mohan
For nearly twenty years, Rubina Sharma-Mohan has worked as French teacher and department, school, and system leader for both Core and Immersion FSL programs in the York Region District School Board (YRDSB). She currently teaches FSL Part 1 Additional Qualification for the board and has worked as a Curriculum Consultant, supporting teachers in both Core and Immersion from grades 4–12. Rubina has led professional development in the areas of Student Wellbeing, Culturally Responsive and Reflective Pedagogy, and 21st Century Competencies for Deep Learning, at both the school and system level, in YRDSB.

Indigenous Education Learning Leader
Lauren-Rose Stunell
Lauren-Rose Stunell is a non-Indigenous ally from Moh’kins’tsis, Treaty 7 territory, Calgary, Alberta. Lauren-Rose is the Indigenous Education Learning Leader and grade 6 French Immersion teacher in her middle school. Lauren-Rose is proud to work with her many Indigenous students, Elders, and knowledge keepers from whom she has the honour of learning how to create a community of strong learners all working towards Truth and Reconciliation. She works with educators to share resources, lesson plans, and task design in both French and English to build teacher capacity in developing a foundational knowledge and understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit cultures and stories and the legacy of the residential school system. She works to provide voice, space, and a sense of belonging to all students in an effort to create a respectful, meaningful learning environment that honours the First Peoples of Turtle Island.

French Program Coordinator
Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson started her career as a teacher of French Second Language, English Language Arts, and Technology before becoming an FSL consultant at the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) at Edmonton Public Schools. As their current Program Coordinator of French Programs, Stephanie supports local, provincial, national and international educators and administrators in second language and immersion programs by helping them see the potential to enrich their classrooms with technology. She has been a contributor, author, and project coordinator for many teacher and student resources. Stephanie’s sessions focus on user-friendly technologies that teachers can implement to increase engagement and encourage authentic communication in the additional language classroom.