Session Information

With the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has come to play a vital role in language classrooms. As part of our mission to support second language teachers and teaching throughout Canada, CASLT is hosting a series of Online Professional Learning webinars exploring the role of technology in language teaching and learning.
Whether classes occur online, in-person, or in hybrid format, technology can facilitate the assessment of language proficiency. This session will focus on foundational practices as well as specific technologies and strategies that teachers can implement to ensure that language assessments are reliable and valid, even when they occur online. How do teachers collect observational evidence of learning from students in breakout rooms? How do they ensure that online written assignments are valid? What conversational evidence of learning can teachers gather using technology? Attend this interactive, online session for answers to these questions as well as any others you may have regarding assessment in a blended language learning environment.

French Program Coordinator
Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson started her career as a teacher of French Second Language, English Language Arts, and Technology before becoming an FSL consultant at the Institute for Innovation in Second Language Education (IISLE) at Edmonton Public Schools. As their current Program Coordinator of French Programs, Stephanie supports local, provincial, national and international educators and administrators in second language and immersion programs by helping them see the potential to enrich their classrooms with technology. She has been a contributor, author, and project coordinator for many teacher and student resources. Stephanie’s sessions focus on user-friendly technologies that teachers can implement to increase engagement and encourage authentic communication in the additional language classroom.