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CAJLE Annual Conference 2022

CAJLE holds an annual conference which includes lectures and workshops by guest speakers, as well as research presentations and a general meeting. The CAJLE 2022 Annual Conference will be online.

Celebrating Languages 2022 (BCATML Annual Conference)

The British Columbia Association of Teachers of Modern Languages (BCATML) is proud to host Celebrating Languages 2022! This edition of our premier professional development conference for second language educators will take place on October 21, 2022, in Richmond, BC.

Nos voix communes ver l’avenir (ACPI 2022 Annual Conference)

Du 3 au 5 novembre 2022, des professionnels de partout au Canada se rencontreront le temps de quelques jours pour prendre une bonne bouffée d’inspiration, tout en profitant d’un développement professionnel de haut niveau, leur permettant ainsi d’être à l’affût des dernières tendances est pédagogie immersive.

Causerie avec David Bouchet


Start the month of the Francophonie with a talk presented by the Commission de l’Amérique du Nord (CAN) of the Fédération internationale des professeurs de français in collaboration with the Embassy of France in Canada and the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques.

Mauril in the Classroom / Pilot Project (French)


Exclusive teacher demo and workshop of the Mauril app from CBC/Radio-Canada. Our pilot project for teachers includes a 4-week trial of Mauril in the classroom, concluding with a short survey to share your experience.

Mauril in the Classroom / Pilot Project (English)


Exclusive teacher demo and workshop of the Mauril app from CBC/Radio-Canada. Our pilot project for teachers includes a 4-week trial of Mauril in the classroom, concluding with a short survey to share your experience.

CAJLE Annual Conference

The CAJLE annual conference provides a great opportunity for participants to exchange information and opinions on Japanese language education and Japanese linguistics. The CAJLE 2023 Annual Conference will be held in Montreal, Quebec.

Canadian Association of Teachers of German National Conference

Cégep du Vieux Montréal

Aktivismen als Lern- und Erfahrungsthemen: Herausforderungen, Hilfe und Möglichkeiten für Deutschlernende und Lehrkräfte
Cégep du Vieux Montréal and Goethe-Institut Montréal. For registration and full details, visit

Become a Member

CASLT supports its members by creating opportunities for professional development, initiating and disseminating research, and facilitating the exchange of information and ideas among language educators. Memberships start at only $45 per year!

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