A variety of roles and positions make up the CASLT team. Vacancies on our Board of Directors and National Council are filled through an application and/or election process. In addition to our full-time staff, we also hire contractors to contribute to our projects.
If you’re a language teacher who wants to get more involved in the L2 community, if you’re interested in language teaching or learning, or if you have skills that fit the descriptions of any of our openings, CASLT might be the right fit for you.
Learn More About CASLTCulture and Perks
As language advocates, we understand the imperative to foster and appreciate diversity – whether linguistic, cultural, individual, or otherwise.
We work bilingually (English and French) and encourage multilingualism among our team members.
Our contract opportunities are flexible: gain experience and add to your resume by working on short- or longer-term projects where we set the deadlines collaboratively.
Feel fulfilled that you’re supporting language teaching and learning, which are known to have many benefits, from the personal to the societal.
We are a national organization, meaning we work with partners and stakeholders from coast to coast to coast. We also collaborate with certain international organizations to support second language teachers.
Our Board of Directors, National Council, and staff work closely together to advance CASLT’s mission and strengthen its national L2 network.
Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss how you see yourself getting involved with CASLT.
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