Professional Learning

Canadian Language Portfolio for Teachers

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A must-have for all second-language teachers or education students who foresee a career teaching French as a second language, French immersion, or intensive French. Allows the user to objectively determine their competencies in French, set up a tailored course of action, and monitor the evolution of their competencies.

Bulk Discount
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15 - 500 10% $48.30


A “must have” for all second-language teachers or students in Education who foresee a career teaching French as a second languages, French immersion, or intensive French. Based on the Common European Framework of Reference created by the Council of Europe, this tool allows the user to ascertain objectively the level of his/her competencies in French, to set up a course of action tailored to his/her own needs, and to monitor the evolution of these competencies.


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Free Sample

Download the Canadian Language Portfolio for Teachers sample (English)

Download the Portfolio canadien des langues pour enseignants sample (French)

Free Interactive Version for Members

Available in French only.

CASLT wishes to thank the Embassy of France for its support in the production of the interactive version of this resource.

If you are a CASLT member, login and download the interactive French version of the Canadian Language Portfolio for Teachers.

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